Wednesday 11 January 2012

#2 - Faith

Recently I became unemployed.

I have a certain amount of debts and bills to pay like any other adult, and knowing that you have no immediate income can cause a certain amount of...... stress.

How will I pay that next bill?
How do I pay my rent?
What am I going to eat?

Some believe that if you have lead a good life that the universe will find a way for you and provide opportunities. Others believe that its purely up to doing all you can, in your own strength and knowledge, without any form of assistance from a deity.

As I've mentioned before, I'm a Christian and I believe that my God is always for me and already knows my future - and he says its good and filled with hope (Jer 29:11). His word says to "Trust in Him with all my heart, soul and mind and lean not on my own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5)

I'll be honest. There were a few times there that I panicked, and stressed, and got frustrated because things weren't working how I wanted them to turn out (Ask any of my close friends and they will vouch for this!), but whinging, wining and carrying on, despite what some people think - does NOT get you a job :)

The Bible says that faith without works is dead.

Its all very good to "believe" that you're going to get that new job, tomorrow, and earn SO much more than you did before but not do anything to GET that job. Sitting on the couch, sleeping in and hanging out with friends wont get you that magical job.

You have to do something about it.

For me personally, I got up early every day, hit and applied for relevant jobs that I was skilled in, and then even some lesser jobs that I may not have really liked, but would have paid the bills I need to pay.

Then - I trust.

I trust in God that He will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory.

I trust that as He is my father in Heaven, and that He "owns the cattle on a thousand hills", that He will never let me get behind with bills and He'll never see me hungry or destitute because I'm His son.

Its not a blind faith though. The bible backs it all up.

And His word will never return void.

I've been specifically talking about getting a job, but in any situation you might be facing - family/friends, finance, employment, housing - whatever - God is more than able to meet you in your situation and, if you let him, will guide you through it.

It will take diligence, faith, trust and courage - but He is able to do so much more than we can ever ask or think.

You know what - I got a job within 2 weeks. A really great job too, doing things i'm skilled in as well as doing stuff I like doing in an interesting field.

He will never fail you.

Catch you on the flippity flip :)


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